Батанова Валентина Германовна

Работает в ГЕОХИ РАН в должности снс с 1993 г.
Основные публикации:
1. Батанова, В. Г. & Савельева, Г. Н. (2009). Миграция расплавов в мантии под зонами спрединга и образование дунитов замещения: обзор проблемы. Геология и Геофизика 50, 992-1012.
2. Белоусов, И. А., Батанова, В. Г., Савельева, Г. Н. & Соболев, А. В. (2009). Свидетельство надсубдукционной природы мантийных пород Войкаро-Сыньинского офиолитового массива, Полярный Урал. Доклады Академии Наук 429, 238-243.
3. Савельева, Г. Н., Соболев, А. В., Батанова, В. Г., Суслов, П. В. & Брюгманн, Г. (2008). Структура каналов траспортировки расплавов в мантии. Геотектоника 6, 25-45.
4. Sobolev, A.V., Hofmann, A.W., Brügmann, G., Batanova, V. G. and Kuzmin, D.V. (2008). A quantitative link between recycling and osmium isotopes. Science, 321, (5888), 536.
5. Batanova, V.G., Brügmann, G., Bazylev, B.A. Kamenetsky, V.S, Sobolev, A.V. and Hofmann, A.W. (2008). Platinum-group element abundances and Os isotope composition of mantle peridotites from the Mamonia complex, Cyprus. Chemical Geology 248 (3,4), 195-212.
6. Batanova, V. G., Pertsev, A. N., Kamenetsky, V. S., Ariskin, A. A., Mochalov, A. G. and A. V. Sobolev. (2005). Crustal Evolution of Island-Arc Ultramafic Magma: Galmoenan Pyroxenite-Dunite Plutonic Complex, Koryak Highland (Far East Russia) Journal of Petrology, 46, 1345-1366.
7. Buchl A., Brugmann G., Batanova V.G. (2004) Formation of podiform chromitite deposits: implications from PGE abundances and Os isotopic compositions of chromites from the Troodos complex, Cyprus, Chemical Geology 208, 217-232.
8. Buchl A., Brugmann G.E., Batanova V.G., Hofmann A.W., (2004) Os mobilization during melt percolation: The evolution of Os isotope heterogeneities in the mantle sequence of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, 2004, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 3397-3408.
9. Buchl A., Brugmann G., Batanova V.G., Munker C., Hofmann A.W, (2002) Melt percolation monitored by Os isotopes and HSE abundances: a case study from the mantle section of the Troodos Ophiolite, 2002, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 204, 385-402.
10. Batanova, V. G. and Sobolev, A. V. (2000) Compositional heterogeneity in subduction-related mantle peridotites, Troodos massif, Cyprus. Geology, 28, 55-58.
11. Batanova V. and Sobolev A. (1999): Chemistry of mantle peridotites from Troodos ophiolite. Ofioliti, 24 (1a), p. 57-58.
12. Batanova V.G., Suhr G., and Sobolev A.V. (1998) Origin of geochemical heterogeneity in the mantle peridotites from the Bay of Islands ophiolite (Newfoundland, Canada): ion probe study of clinipyroxenes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 62 (5), 853-866.
13. Suhr, G. and Batanova, V. (1998): Basal lherzolite in the Bay of Islands ophiolite: origin by detachment-related telescoping of a ridge parallel melting gradient. Terra Nova, 10, 1-5.
14. Batanova V.G., Sobolev A.V., Schmincke H.-U. (1996). Parental melts of the intrusive cumulates of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus: A study of clinopyroxenes and melt inclusions in plagioclase. Petrology, 4, 255-264.
15. Sokolov S.D., Peive A.A., Krylov K.A., Grigor’ev V.N., Batanova V.G., Golozubov V.V., Luchitskaya M.V., and Aleksyutin M.V. (1996): Ordered Structure in serpentinite Melange. Geotectonics, 30 (1), 39-52.
16. Соболев, А. В. & Батанова, В. Г. (1995). Мантийные лерцолиты офиолитового комплекса Троодос, о-в Кипр. Петрология 1, 487-496.
17. Batanova V.G. and Astrachantsev O.V. (1994): Island arc mafic-ultramafic plutonic complexes of North Kamchatka. In: Proc. 29’th Int’l. Geol. Congr., Part D, Ishiwatary et al. (Eds), VSP, pp.129-143.
18. Batanova V.G., Sobolev A.V. and H-U. Schmincke (1994): Mantle Lherzolites from Troodos Ophiolites: Mineralogy and Ion Probe Geochemistry of Clinopyroxenes. Mineralogical magazine, 58-A, 57-58.
19. Batanova V.G. and Astrachantsev O.V. (1992): Tectonic setting and genesis of zoned mafic-ultramafic plutons, northern part of Oluytorskaya zone (Koryak Highland). Geotectonics, 26 (2), 153-165
20. Batanova V.G., Astrakhantsev O.V. and Sidorov E.G. (1991): Dunite of Galmoenanian basic-ultrabasic massif, Koryak highland, Proceedings of the USSR Ac. Sci., 1, 24-35, (in Russian).
21. Astrakhantsev O.V., Batanova V.G. and Perfil’yev A.S. (1991): Structure of the Gal’moenan dunite-clinopyroxenite-gabbro massif (Southern Koryakia), Geotectonics, 25(2), 132-144
22. Batanova V.G. (1991): Mafic-ultramafic intrisive complexes from South Koryakia, the Dissertation of Candidate of Sciences, Geological Institute RAS, 150p., (in Russian).
23. Perfil’ev A.S., Kheraskov N.N., Batanova V.G. and Egorova N.B. (1989): Tectonic foliation of paleo-oceanic crust in the Khabarnin ophiolite massif, Ural. Geotectonics, 23 (4), 316-322
24. Batanova V.G., Kurenkov S.A., Koryakin Y.V., Prfil’ev A.S., and Sherbakov S.G. (1988): Differentiated sill of Sartale ophiolities (South Tien Shan). Doklady of Ac. Sci. of USSR, 300 (5), 345-349, (in Russian)
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